Little Dragons Den

Spooky Discos on Friday 25th October

The PTA are holding two discos on Friday 25th October. Mini Monster Mash for children in the Foundation Phase – Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 from 5.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. Monster Bash Disco for children in KS2 – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 from 6.30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. Spooky fancy dress … Read more

CastellConwy: Where do we live?

We have been busy making our own houses and looking at GoogleMaps of where we live. We have made our very own map of Ruabon.

Parents Evenings next Monday and Tuesday

Parents Evenings for the whole school that are taking place next Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. are now available to book: Parents’ Evenings Booking – Ysgol Maes-y-Llan (


Admissions are open for Early Education starting in January 2025. Please click on the link for more information and to apply.

Events: Planner

Good morning, We have tried to be super organised this year and have set dates for the whole year to help you plan ahead. We will still add other events during the year but we thought these would be a handy start! Kind regards Mrs Rolls Yearly-planner.pdf

Little Dragons Den Booking system

We are aware that there are some technical issues on our Little Dragons Den booking system and the provider is currently working on this and hopes to resolve it by the end of today If you are unable to book sessions for this week please email over the information to us at and we … Read more

Funded Childcare

As you are aware, from 1st September, we are now a fully registered childcare setting for both Tiny Dragons Wraparound Care and Little Dragons Afterschool club. We are currently awaiting our registration number from the Childcare team to accept payments later today and will share this with you as soon as we receive it. Please … Read more


If your child turns three before the start of the Spring Term, Monday 6th January 2025, you can apply for them to access 10 hours of Early Education during Spring and Summer Terms. We also offer full wrap around care with the Childcare Offer or Tax Free Childcare. Applications for admission open on Monday 2nd … Read more