Little Dragons Den

Choir club

This week in choir we learnt about the importance of working together. We enjoyed playing some hilariously funny team games and composed our own songs – changing the lyrics to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which the children then performed to each other. They remembered all the performance techniques we have learnt over the last few … Read more

Our school choir

Da iawn to our fabulous school choir who performed for the first time at our Eisteddfod last week. Superstars in the making!


BOOK FAIR APPROACHING! Our year 6 have been very busy organising our up and coming Book Fair. They applied for positions such as Administration Staff (responsible for writing a persuasive letter to parents/ carers about coming to the Book Fair), Promotions Officers (responsible for writing a persuasive letter and organising and creating exciting competitions) and … Read more

Australian animal habitats

This week we travelled to Australia. We have researched lots of information about Australia and found out about many mysterious animals that live there. We have looked at all of the different habitats these animals prefer to live in and we have even had a go at making our own habitats for an Australian animal … Read more

Chirk detectives

This morning in Dosbarth Chirk we found some ripped up boxes and footprints outside. We decided to investigate. The footprints led us to forest school where we found some animals from the zoo. We have taken the animals into our class vets to look after them!

Penrhyn Paleontologists!

This afternoon, we have kicked off our new topic ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ by becoming paleontologists. We searched for dinosaur bones, used the bones to make our own fossils and made observational drawings of our dinosaurs. We will be starting our learning journey by looking at extinct animals and move on to animals in … Read more