Little Dragons Den

Dosbarth Conwy – Year 1 & 2

Welcome to Dosbarth Conwy’s class page.

Click below for the new term’s overview.

In Dosbarth Conwy, Miss Harry and Mrs Jackson are the class teachers and Miss Callaghan is the teaching assistant.

We will begin our school year with our topic, Everyday Superheroes. Laserman came into school over the summer holidays to help Miss Harry get the classroom ready for the children. But, throughout the term, he will need their help with lots of different things such as solving a crime, looking after his pet hamster, buying his shopping, posting letters and sorting his recycling! Through these missions, we will learn that there are Superheroes in every day life that help us within our community.

Take a look at our topic overview to see some of the skills we will be learning during this topic.

How You Can Support Your Child

Read, Write Inc – We follow Read, Write Inc to help children develop their reading and writing skills through daily sessions at a level appropriate for their development. Please see the link below for more information regarding Read Write Inc and how to help your children say their sounds correctly

Read Write Inc parents guide

How to say the letter sounds

PE – Children in Dosbarth Conwy have PE every Thursday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit. The kit should consist of a plain blue t-shirt, black or blue shorts and pumps or trainers. It is very important that your child’s clothes are clearly labelled.

Snack – We provide a healthy fruit snack to all children in Foundation Phase. Please make sure you have paid your child’s snack money via Parent Pay. If you require any support with this, please contact the school office.

Class Dojo – Please make sure you have joined Class Dojo and check it regularly as this is where I post a lot of important information. You can also contact me via the app if you have any queries or concerns. 

Forest School – Children in Dosbarth Conwy have Forest School every Tuesday afternoon. Forest School is a fantastic way to build up children’s skills, abilities and confidence through practical hands-on activities in the outdoors. It provides children with rich opportunities to explore, learn and discover at their own pace in a safe and supportive space. Forest School uses natural resources to stimulate imagination, creativity and investigation. 

Forest School sessions will take place entirely outside in the natural environment whatever the weather. It is important that your child wears clothes that are suitable for the weather and that are OK to get wet and muddy. 

Your child should wear

  • A waterproof coat
  • Wellington boots (or sturdy walking boats/old trainers)
  • Comfortable long trousers (waterproof if they own a pair)
  • Comfortable, warm long sleeved top or fleece
  • Thick socks if the weather is cold – thermal if possible or two pairs of thinner socks
  • Hat and gloves
  • Two bags, one to put dirty forest school clothes in and another bag for their wellies
  • Bring a change of shoes for the classroom.

On Forest School days (Tuesday), children will come to school wearing their Forest School kit.

Please click on the link below for the curriculum overview for this term: