Little Dragons Den

Dosbarth Harlech – Reception & Year 1

Please click on the link for this term’s overview:

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Spring Term 2024

A huge welcome back to Dosbarth Harlech. I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready for a fun, exciting term!

This first half term, the big question that we want to find out is:

“What lurks in the depths of the snowy wonderland…………………

                        ………All creatures great and small”

We will be using a range of new skills to investigate this question focusing on the difference between fiction and non- fiction information. Our topic is open ended and so the children will steer which direction it takes us. Who knows?

 We will also be reading the Winter stories ‘Jack Frost’ by Kazuno Kohara, ‘Betty the Yetti’ by Ella Burfoot, Brrrr where did the dinosaurs really go by Kes Gray & Nick East and Poles Apart by Jeanne Willis.  

The children really enjoyed their forest school sessions last term, so each Monday we will continue our fun-filled ‘Outdoor Learning’ sessions, looking at nature and the changes in seasons. Children will need to come to school in their own warm/waterproof clothes and footwear including spare footwear in a labelled bag. Reminder we will be going outside, whatever the weather!

During the cold, wintery months our life skill area will be a ‘Hot Chocolate’ station!  Look out Costa!

P.E will continue to take place on a Wednesday afternoon. Children still need to come into school wearing their sports clothing on this day.

 Please continue to read regulary at home and to  practise  weekly keyword spellings.

As always, If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me on Class Dojo or via email at

Diolch yn Fawr,

Miss Griffiths

Click below for this term’s information.

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a super summer break and are ready to start a new adventure in Dosbarth Harlech. I am very lucky this year to have a mixed class of Reception and Year 1 children. In Class, there is myself Miss Griffiths (Class Teacher) and a fantastic team of teaching assistants Ms Zafar, Miss Lloyd and Mrs Harper will join us in the afternoons.  All the children have made an excellent start to the year and we thank you for your support in helping them to settle so well. During the first few weeks, our main aims will be to settle the children in their new classroom, start to introduce new learning areas and establish daily routines. Your child’s happiness is paramount to us. We want school to be a pleasurable, exciting, fun experience, a place that your child enjoys coming to, a place where he/she can relax and be him/herself.

We have lots of exciting things planned this Autumn Term, initially our first mini topic will be based around the new book ‘Simon Sock’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. This is a hilarious story celebrating friendship and difference, discussing feelings and emotions.

Following on from this mini topic we will then start ‘Who lives in a house like this….?’ based around the famous traditional story ‘The 3 little pigs’

P.E will take place on Wednesday this year and will be taught by Mrs Guiel. Children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E kits. This should be suitable for outdoor P.E, as we hope to be outside as often as possible. Reminder the kit is white or royal blue t-shirt, navy/black plain tracksuit/shorts, plain black pumps or trainers.

Muddy Monday – This term on Monday’s we will be doing outdoor learning, much of which will be in the Forest School. We ask for all the children to come to school wearing appropriate/ old outdoor clothing. I am regularly reminded of the funny quote ‘There is no such thing as bad weather – only bad clothing!’ (waterproofs and wellingtons will be kept in school at the start of term)

*Remember to frequently look at Class Dojo to see all of the exciting things that are taking place in school and lots of useful up to date information.  The children also get to see the comments you write back which makes them so happy and proud.

If parents/carers have any worries or concerns, please feel free to catch me at the end of the school day. Messages can also be sent via Class Dojo.

I look forward to getting to know you and your children even more this term, let the fun times begin!

Warmest Wishes

Miss Griffiths

Please click on the link below to see the curriculum overview for this term: