Little Dragons Den

Dosbarth Penrhyn – Year 4 & 5

Hello and welcome to Dosbarth Penrhyn!

Click below for this term’s information.

My name is Mrs Steele and I currently have 29 Year 4 and 5 pupils in my class. I can’t wait to spend the year getting to know everyone and learn through a balance of hard work and fun.

Our current PE day is Thursday, and this will be taught by Mrs Guiel. On Wednesdays we will be outdoor learning, so please can all children come into school wearing appropriate clothing as we may get dirty as we learn!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries; my email address is


Mrs Steele.

Please click on the link below to see the curriculum overview:

Dosbarth Penrhyn archived 2020 – 2021

Dosbarth Penrhyn archived 2019-2020