Welcome back!
I hope you all managed to enjoy some of the summer and are ready for the last years of primary school.
I’m so looking forward to this new and exciting year ahead, as we’ve got some great topics lined up, and will hopefully be able to enjoy some of the other activities that are so looked forward to in years 5 & 6.
These years give children so many opportunities to build on their skills, experiences, confidence and independence in order to prepare them for their life in secondary school and on into the wider world.
At the beginning of this term the children are encouraged to apply for the extremely important roles within the school community, such as Head/Deputy Head boy and girl, if they so wish; as well as the positions of House Captains and Super Ambassadors. As a school, we regard these positions very highly.
As far as the weekly timetable is concerned, I just want to pass on the following information:
Wednesdays – Forest School – Outdoor clothing to be worn, with a change of shoes as well as a waterproof coat if raining. As the weather gets colder, layers are the key! (with Mrs Jones)
Thursdays – P.E. kits are needed to be worn to school (with Mrs Jones)
With regards to homework, the weekly challenges will continue to be reading and times tables practise. The children will be coming home with a paper Reading Record.
Other homework will be sent home periodically, relating to the topic work being done.
Although homework is not a legal requirement, much of the work done at home will complement and enhance the work being done in class, and will be put into the children’s books to show their progress. It also helps in preparing them for the expectations and demands of secondary school.
Homework can be done on paper, on HWB, or can be emailed directly to me from the children’s own email account to my class email – gruffyddj7@hwbcymru.net
Could I please ask that you encourage your child to email their work themselves, using their HWB account, rather than using your own personal ones, as this is a great way of improving their IT skills and independence.
As part of the Healthy Schools initiative, we allow children fruit / vegetable snack only at playtimes.
During lesson times, the children are currently allowed to have bottles of water on their tables. Could I please request that these are reusable bottles with a flip-up lid, rather than a screw off one, as if accidentally knocked over, they are less likely to have such a large spillage over work they are proud of.
This term, the children of years 5 and 6 will have the opportunity to visit secondary school open evenings in readiness for applications, which parents of year 6 pupils need to have done online by November 4th. Please use the following link:
Please feel free to contact me via my email address or through Dojo about any matters.
I might not always see your messages straight away, so if you feel that something is urgent, please contact the school office directly.
I look forward to seeing you throughout the year!
Mrs Gruffydd
Please follow the link below to the Autumn Term overview: